Research Projects

Sponsoring research projects


Ref. (PID2019-105676RB-C41)

Towards a new linguistic citizenry: reseach-action for the recognition of speakers in Community of Madrid’s educational field.

4 coordinated projects.

Principal investigators: Luisa Martín Rojo, Estíbaliz Amorrortu, Joan Pujolar y Maite Puigdevall, y Gabriela Prego.

Amount of subsidy: 60,500€

Go to the project’s website

Contested Territories

Contested Territories is an international and intersectorial network of organizations in Europe and Latin America linked in a joint research program geared to the generation of conceptual and empirical knowledge on territorial inequalities.
Project financed by the research and innovation program Horizonte 2020 of the European Union in the context of the subsidiary agreement Marie Skłodowska-Curie nº 873082.

Principal investigator: Héctor Grad.

Social Impact: Coming soon to the Apple Store and Google Play, the Citizen Science app, “Voces Territorios,” which engages the general public in scientific activities and promotes their active contribution to research through their intellectual effort, general knowledge, or tools and resources. This citizen science platform allows users to locate and relate texts, photos, audios, and videos of territorial struggles in different parts of the world, connected with linguistic conflicts.

Go to the project’s website

Contested Territories

Migrant Voices

Fighting Linguistic Discrimination from Spaces of Cultural and Artistic Production in Spain.

Project funded by the European Union within the framework of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement nº 101110940.

Main researchers: Lara Alonso and Luisa Martín Rojo.

Citizen science projects

Urban Voices

Discourse observatory project

Citizen Science Project in collaboration with the Discourse observatory of EDiSo Association.

Urbanvoices is an online collaborative workspace, which allows creating Linguistic Landscapes, classifying, geolocating and sharing images for later analysis.

Duratión: from May 2011.

Researchers in charge

  • Luisa Martín Rojo (UAM).
  • Clara Molina (UAM).
  • Gabriela Prego (U. Santiago).
  • Luz Zas (U. Santiago).

Go to the project’s website