Seminar on Discourse and Political Action. The Case of Madrid Community

1st June 2022

This seminar is part of the “intervention” activities developed by MIRCo, which aim to transform institutions and their discourses and to incorporate citizens in research and knowledge transfer activities.

For this first edition of the Seminar on Discourse and Political Action, we have brought together a series of papers by specialists in social sciences, discourse analysis and philosophy with the aim of unravelling the keys to the current political situation in the Community of Madrid and its future.

Session 1 – Analysis of the 4M election results. A starting point

By Diego Herranz and Marta Martín

Session 2 – Thatcherist tradition in Madrid. Thinking Madrid from Stuart Hall

By Montserrat Galcerán and Germán Cano.

Session 3 – Analysis of Ayusist Discourse. From Freedom to Self-Care

By Luisa Martín Rojo and Marcos Reguera.