Seminar How does neoliberalism govern us?

16th February 2021

The international seminar How does neoliberalism govern us? was held on June 22-30, 2020. It consisted of 5 sessions presented as a transversal doctoral course at the UAM. They are now available in our website.


Session 1 – Les Deux Visages du Néolibéralisme Contemporain

On the first session of the seminar How does neoliberalism govern us? Christian Laval (Paris 10) spoke about how neoliberalism is not a completely homogeneous doctrine nor a form of power that is fixed once and for all.

Session dubbed into Spanish

Session in French

Session 2 – The disturbing expansion of denialism

On the 2nd session of the seminar How does neoliberalism govern us? Angela D. Buscalioni (CIPb, Centre for the Integration of Paleobiology, UAM) and Jesús Ignacio Catalá Gorgues (Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera, Valencia) speak about denialism and how it is spreading.

Session 3 – Happiness, education and neoliberalism: “positive education” and its problems

The 3rd session of the seminar How does neoliberalism govern us? focused on analyzing the theoretical and methodological weaknesses of the positive education movement. It also explained its implicit (and no so implicit) synergies with neoliberal ideology and the entrepreneurial discourse. Finally, this session discussed to what extent psychology has become a discipline in charge of deciding which educational policies are more desirable and relevant in moral and social terms.

Session 4 – Plenary lecture on language and securitization

On the 4th session of the seminar How does neoliberalism govern us?, Ben Rampton (London King’s College) explores the relationship between linguistics and critical studies about security (CSS) in contexts where legacies of violence, conflicts, discomfort and (in)security deeply impregnates daily life.

Conference in English

Conference dubbed into Spanish

Session 5 – Presentation of the book Neoliberal subjects and language

On this 5th session of the seminar How does neoliberalism govern us?, authors of the book Language and Neoliberal Governmentality (Routledge 2019) reflect on how contemporary views of languages and multilinguism are contributing to spread and naturalize a neoliberal rationality, both in education and the labor market.

Workshop Uncovering and resisting neoliberal discourse

This workshop, that ended the seminar How does neoliberalism govern us?, shows the complexity of the neoliberal discourse and how it lies on other discourses of social-democratic and progressive inspiration. mostraremos la complejidad de este discurso que se apoya en otros hasta de inspiración socialdemócrata y progresista.